From 2021 to 2027, Europe is prioritising solidarity and regional development by modernising its cohesion policy and granting it a budget of 373 billion euros. This large investment should help even out inequalities between different European regions.
The European cohesion policy is evolving, and the role of local authorities is growing
The regions with the lowest levels of growth and whose inhabitants have the lowest incomes compared to the rest of the EU, especially those of the south and the east, will benefit from extra resources to get back on an even playing field with their neighbours. In a similar vein, the link between the EU and its regions will be strengthened and the role of local, urban and regional authorities which manage EU funds will grow. The 2021-2027 cohesion policy will enable regions to act and prioritise local development strategies.
Investments across all regions will continue to support industrial transition, employability and global economic competitiveness. Funds will continue to be distributed based on GDP per capita and, just like the previous period, investments will be prioritised depending on how regions are ranked in three categories (the least and most developed regions, and regions which are transitioning). However, new criteria will be used to adapt better to the reality, such as youth unemployment, level of education, receiving and integrating migrants and climate change.
Up2Europe offers regions solutions which are adapted to their needs to increase and organise cooperation in their territory and help local stakeholders gain access to European funding to set up local development projects. Every organisation can benefit from the technology and strength of the Up2Europe network via its customised service offerings.
To find out more, read our article on Up2Europe or go directly to the page presenting our services.
An innovative and greener Europe!
As far as distributing the 2021-2027 European budget investments is concerned, 65% to 85% of funding from the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) and Cohesion Funds will be dedicated to two main goals: building a smarter Europe through digitisation, innovation and economic transformation, and moving towards a greener Europe with zero carbon emissions. Most of the resources will go towards supporting small and medium enterprises, industrial modernisation, fighting climate change, energy transition and developing renewable energies.
Other goals will also be pursued to make Europe more connected, more social and closer to its citizens. There will also be calls for projects to modernise transport, digital communication, employment, education, social inclusion, equal access to health care, urban development and local development strategies.
Visibility of the cohesion policy: new communication requirements
Project sponsors will be required to make more effort in their communications to increase the visibility of the European cohesion policy. As such, member states and regions will have greater requirements for organising launch events, distributing activities implemented under projects financed by European funds and their presence on the social networks. The aim is to spread the word about the positive results of initiatives and funding they are receiving. By doing so, Europe hopes to strengthen the bond it has with its citizens. To help project sponsors meet this new requirement, Up2Europe offers simple and effective solutions to create a site dedicated to their project and make their work reach a larger audience. Learn more about the subject and the new Cohesions Policy here.
To make it easier to find out about what funding is available, Up2Europe will continue listing all the calls for projects for different funds. Each one is classified by subject, which companies and cooperation stakeholders can apply for, and will be available to anyone who creates a free account on our platform. This will save you a great deal of time when searching for European funding.
Learn more about Up2Europe by reading the article on our site